Monday, April 18, 2011

"They Still Don't Know What To Do With Jesus"

Jesus is a very popular person. Love, hate, or indifference, He's pretty well known among most circles.

Most folks just don't know what to do with Him.

It's been that way for some time. Alive, dead, resurrected, ascended, it's been a real problem for the world.

Mark 15:12 (AMP) - "And again Pilate said to them, Then what shall I do with the Man Whom you call the King of the Jews?"

No problem for me. I've made my choice. Some folks worry about the stigma attached with following Jesus. I can understand that. They crucified Him. What will they do to you?

Well, since I've been crucified with Him (Gal. 2:20), I don't have to worry about it. Neither will you. I assure you that you will not feel the nails.

Bill Johnson says that most people secretly want to believe in Jesus. I agree with that. Even the most vocal against Him might be shielding a desire to want to understand Him, or even be just like Him.

Why not? He encompasses everything the world is not and exactly what they need.

Who wouldn't want to embrace Him?

That's our task. Present Him. He doesn't need a lot of introduction, and He certainly needs no PR spin.

Come're a disciple of the most famous Person in all of human history. He is the Creator of all things. He is the proactive Healer of all sickness and disease. He is the One who will prosper us even in these trying economic times.

You don't have to "sell" Jesus. You merely have to present Him.

This is a great week to do that. He is already on their minds.

The Holy Spirit takes care of the rest. 

Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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