Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Know Your Peacemaker" by Pastor Kevin Lynch

Moammar Kadafi dominated the afternoon news yesterday with coverage of his address to the U.N. General Assembly.

The same Kadafi who has been the leader of Libya for 40 years.

The same Kadafi who vociferously supported terrorism and who was personally behind the downing of the Lockerbie Pan Am flight 103, the deaths of American victims of the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing, and also American victims of the 1989 UTA Flight 772 bombing.

People were applauding him from the floor of the Assembly.

Now he's a nice guy. A regular humanitarian.

Sheesh. Let's give him a Nobel. Hey why not, they gave one to the mass murderer Arafat in 1994.

John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

The peace the world gives is a tainted, perverted peace. It's rife with conditions. It's turned on and off like a faucet.

The peace Jesus gives us is a lasting peace. A peace in spite of what surrounds us. A peace that confounds what tries to tinker with it.

The world's peace is a troubling peace and it is sometimes proffered by troublesome people. Today's friends are tomorrow's enemies, and vice versa (remember Saddam?).

Oh, those starry eyed peaceniks. Gotta love 'em. Gotta love those poor misguided souls.

Even our Mr. President, God bless his heart, has that optimism that can just be magnetic to a world that is tired of bloodshed, and I say well and good...

But let's be "real" here. There is no peace apart from Jesus.

Know Jesus - Know Peace.....No Jesus - No Peace.

They cowered from Kadafi 20 years ago.

Today they applaud and receive him.

They killed the Peacemaker 2,000 years ago.

They praise the killer today.

Nothing's changed. Not in 2,000 years. Nothing has changed.

Jesus is still the Rock of Offense, "A Stone that will cause stumbling and a Rock that will give [men] offense; they stumble because they disobey and disbelieve [God's] Word." (1 Peter 2:8)

Lean on Him or trip over Him.

Either way you will HAVE to deal with Him!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God!

Well, the guy that dominated the news yesterday is no son of God. He is an anti-Christ.

Those of us who promote the ways of the Prince of Peace are the peacemakers and are known as God's children.

The peace is in Christ. His peace has been given to you.

Know your Peacemaker!

Be not afraid or troubled in spite of what you see and hear. Nothing gets past Jesus.

Be blessed today. I love you all!

Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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