There are the "fits" and the "misfits". Of course this could be applied to many facets of society, but I am speaking about the believer in Christ and their relationship with the world.
I used to fit this world like a glove. Of course I didn't fit in with all areas and cultures, but I fit in with my little corner of the world and the people who were like minded.
Now I don't fit anymore. I am a misfit.
Pauls was a misfit.
Galatians 1:10 (AMP) - "Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah)."
"If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Jesus Christ."
Yeah, that.
Somewhere along the line I embraced Paul's message from Romans 12:2, and his admonition to no longer be conformerd to this world, but instead becoming transformed in my thinking according to my newly born again spirit.
I have to think according to who I am, and I am no longer attached at the hip to this world.
I am...a misfit.
All true believers are misfits. There is just something that God has put in us (The Holy Spirit) that chafes when we are confronted by the old standard and ways of doing things that are an affront to God.
I revel in being a misfit. I tells me God is working in me.
Keepin' it Real,
Pastor Kevin <><
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