Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Faith Over Facts"

Sometimes the facts of any situation don't tell the entire story. Particularly the end.

If we are not willing to purposely include God and His intervening grace, which is often only accessed by our faith, we might see a less than satisfying conclusion to an event that may have very well ended entirely differently had we exercised extreme faith in God.

Faith overrides facts. Faith in God changes things.

Faith slays Goliath. Faith moves mountains. Faith vanquishes enemies. Faith prospers in times of dire needs. Faith restores what has been stolen from you. Faith strengthens marriages. 

Faith will set you apart from childen of a lesser faith and draw people to you for counsel. Others will see Jesus in a faith-filled person.

Hebrews 11:1 (AMP) - "NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]."

The best description of what faith is. There it is. It's telling you that all that God has set aside for the believer is completely and totally accessible. It is a legal spiritual document of ownership. You don't have to ask God for any of it. It's already yours.

Heaven is open. Faith is your portal.

There is nothing sadder, more pitiable, than someone who has spent a lifetime asking God for something they have already been given. Thousands of hours of wasted petitions spanning decades.

"Why has God not answered my prayers?"

Sickness, sin, poverty, addiction, disease, often ravage even families who procalim they love the Lord. Entire generations of families have been decimated by sometimes the same insidious disease. They had accepted the "facts" about the disease and what all of the doctors had told them. But no one, not one faith filled believer ever stood up and said "ENOUGH!" In the Name of Jesus, this disease stops now!"

That's all it takes. Real fact (faith) which is not revealed to the carnal senses, but every bit more real and factual than what is standing before us at the moment in the flesh.

Simply hoping for something to happen will never manifest as a reality. Hoping is no more than wishing. It has no faith attached to it. Faith attached to hope and recognizing that God has already set it aside for us for brings it into a present reality.

"Just the facts ma'am" doesn't cut it in Kingdom living. 

The "facts" are not always the end of the story.

Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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