Stuff indeed does happen.
Stuff happens when we let our stuff run our lives.
"Stuff" in my opinion is anything that interferes with the work of Christ in our life.
It could be possessions that require too much energy to maintain, and therefore prevents us from praying, studying the Word, and worshiping like we should be.
It could be allowing subversive attitudes and habits to take control over what we know we should be practicing.
It could be laziness and sloth that dictates and takes command over the very things that would improve our lives.
In any event it is a surrender of what belongs to God over to whatever forces you have surrendered to.
It has been said that familiarity breeds contempt. Indeed it does. In this case what you are most familiar with breeds and strengthens contempt against either God or the sworn enemy of God.
For your sake it should not be God.
My heart breaks for those who continually make poor choices in their lives. I have seen the "successful" and the "failures" be subject to the very thing that will bring them down in the end.
When Christ is not the center of everything you are or hope to become then there is really only failure.
Luke 14:33 - "So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple."
A horrible and tragic forfeiture if one chooses against Jesus.
It doesn't matter how nice a person you are, how much money you give, how much you pay lip service to God. If your actions and associated results of your actions do not bear witness or "fruit", then you are a failure.
A spiritual failure bears rotten fruit. A spiritual failure puts their entire family at risk. A spiritual failure is renounced by God. Spiritual failures care only about themselves.
Spiritual failures pile up so much junk and stuff in front of Jesus that they are actually farther and farther away from Him as the days grow.
The spiritual failure becomes as vomit in the mouth of Christ.
Rev. 3:15-16 - "I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! (16) So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
James 1:7-8 - "For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; (8) he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."
The gospels say it. The epistles say it. Indeed all the Word of God says it.
There is only one cure.
James 4:7-8 - "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (8) Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you."
So, instead of making excuses start prioritizing what is of utmost importance.
Run toward everything that will strengthen your relationship with Christ. Feed your spiritual need instead of your carnal appetite. Turn your laziness into energy and hunger for His Word and Spirit.
Put aside your agenda and make worship, the study of His Word, and the fellowship of believers the utmost priority in your life. These are indeed the times where we should be looking up together with hope and joyfulness as the Holy Spirit prepares us.
Keepin' it Real,
Pastor Kevin <><
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