Monday, August 26, 2013

Who Dat?

"Who dat"?

I borrowed that from the fans of the New Orleans Saints football team.

New Orleans of course being the "home" of "When The Saints Go Marchin' In".

Who are the "saints"? Really.

Plaster statues arranged in ornate cathedrals?

Plastic figures on your dashboard?

Nominated and processed dead people by particular religious organizations?

None of the above?

Correct if you picked "none of the above".

The bible says that believers in Jesus Christ are the saints.

We don't have to be nominated for it.

We just are.

We are objects of the intentions of Jesus Christ.

Eph. 4:12: - "His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints
(His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of
ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church)".

Inanimate objects can't accomplish this.

Dead people (spiritual as well as physical) can't accomplish this.

Disciples of Jesus Christ are consecrated people who's work it is to
build up and encourage each other in the faith.

One of the problems in the Body of Christ today is that some people are
resistant to being perfected and equipped.

Too often the "saint" in Christ doesn't want to stop being ministered
to and begin ministering to others.

The Church is designed to operate on take and give, not take and more take.

Sometimes it seems like the Church crawls along rather than briskly
walking. Stoop shouldered rather than shoulders back. Defeated rather
than victorious.

Recognizing who we are in Christ and a willingness to acquiesce to it
would transform the work of Christ on earth.

Who dat?

You're a saint. Be a saint. Perform like a saint.

Who da saint? You da saint!

In all you do today be blessed and be a blessing to others!

Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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