Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"In God We Trust...Literally"

Matthew 15:33 (AMP) - "And the disciples said to Him, Where are we to get bread sufficient to feed so great a crowd in this isolated anddesert place?"

Something just doesn't sit right with me about that question. This is concerning what is referred to as "the feeding of the 4,000" (not counting women and children).

Where are we going to get bread?

It irks me because it indicates a spiritual lack. A dull spirit. A blockage of the life giving Word of Jesus. A failure to rely on the supernatural force of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus gave them all the tools they would need when He introduced them to the Open Heaven in Matthew 6.

Where are we going to get bread?

From where Jesus told them previously to get it.

Matthew 6:11 (AMP) - "Give us this day our daily bread."

Instead, the Church has taken the simplest instruction in truth from Jesus and turned it into a mantra.

The Church mutters that passage so often and so quickly that it has totally lost its original meaning and intention.

But this is not the worst of what's wrong with the original question of, "Where are we going to get bread?"

What is so incredible, so absolutely mind boggling crazy, is the fact that just a short time before the disciples find themselves in this predicament of having to feed a large contingent of people, they were in the EXACT same position and situation just a few days before. 

They had to find the means to feed 5,000 people. 

They essentially asked the same question.

Matthew 14:17 (AMP) - "They said to Him, We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish."

Well over 5,000 people (we have to count the women and children as well) needed to be fed. They only have a few loaves of bread and a few fishes. I can understand how they could get into the flesh at least this one time.

But twice only days apart? 

Jesus showed them how God gives us our daily bread. The meager supply was multiplied many times over until they were all filled and with baskets left over.

"Give us this day...". BAM!

Something was not being believed. Something was amiss. Something was not being grasped concerning God's provision for His children.

And it's not being grasped right up to the present.

"Give us our day our daily bread."  It's not meant that we have to continually ask that, or pray that. It's a promise that we are to live within by faith. It is the literal "on earth as it is in Heaven".

I have no questions that God will provide all of my needs. He always has. He always does. He always will. I just believe it.

Let me tell you, there have been times when the soup was stretched by supernatural means. There have been times when the cars tires have lasted waaay longer than they should have. I have seen times when that gas gauge just didn't go down no matter how many miles I seemed to drive. There have been times when checks showed up in the mailbox from the most unexpected places. People have shown up at my door to just hand me substantial amounts of money. I have found checks or cash taped to my office door. People have called me up out of the blue and said "Pastor, meet at the clothing store, I'd like to buy you some suits, shirts, and ties" (that was back when I actually wore them, lol!). I can go on and on about mortgage reductions, financial windfalls without doing a thing to get them, etc.

The common ground in all of those incidents have been that they occurred right when I needed them to. I never once had to beg God's help. Instead I simply waited on Him in expectation that my God will not fail.

In the ministry we learn how to live supernaturally or we do not live.

I have spent my life trying to impress that upon every Christian.

Jesus never fails. He has never failed me. He will never fail you.

 Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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