Monday, March 21, 2011

"I'm Sorry, I just Can't Help It""

How in the world could anyone deny the extraordinary miracles concerning Jesus? Even when they happen right before their eyes, and there is no possible grounds for denial?

Acts 4:16-17 (AMP) - "16 Saying, What are we to do with these men? For that an extraordinary miracle has been performed by (through) them is plain to all the residents of Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.
17 But in order that it may not spread further among the people and the nation, let us warn and forbid them with a stern threat to speak any more to anyone in this name [or about this Person]."

This is the row that was caused by Peter and John healing a crippled beggar.

If it wasn't written down in the Word, and if I hadn't actually confronted it myself personally from time to time, I wouldn't believe it based on hearsay.

That attitude can grow and spin out of control.

Acts 4:18 (AMP) - "[So] they summoned them and imperatively instructed them not to converse in any way or teach at all in or about the name of Jesus."

"In or about" the name of Jesus.

Do you have children in the public school system? Work in, or know someone who works for the government? How about a hospital? Certain private businesses? All of these and more have restrictions about openly talking to others about, or promoting in any way, Jesus Christ.

He's not very popular among the majority you know. Neither are you if you openly follow Him.

People will go so far as denying the extraordinary even if they have proof in front of them.  The name of Jesus becomes a hot button.

What to do? Sit back and just let it ride? Confront them with the truth?

I can only tell you what I do. I can only point you to the biblical response.

Acts 4:20 (AMP) - "But we [ourselves] cannot help telling what we have seen and heard."

That's how Peter and John responded. And they did so in the face of grave danger to life or limb.

Was it because they were extra brave men? Did they not weigh the risk and just shoot off their mouths before they realized the consequences?

No. They did it according to the Word because "they could not help it."

They could not help it.

It was beyond themselves and the power of their carnal mind. 

It was a supernatural response by the Holy Spirit through and within them. 

There simply was no other choice, no other possibility. The old Peter would have ran for the hills. The new Holy Spirit filled Peter was bold and confident. He was changed. He was different. A new person.

Are you a new person? How do you know? Is it because I tell you that's what the Word says you should be? Or is it obviously lived out in you?

How do you respond when people tell you to shut up about Jesus? Would you do it to save your job? Would you tell your children to shut up because they could get in trouble at school? 

What you honestly believe would be your response is a "tell" about just how real your relationship with your Master is.

This ain't Vegas. What happens in church should never stay in church. Get it out beyond those walls and never let anyone shut you up regardless of their threat. He watches over and honors those who stand up in Him!

Matthew 10:32-33 (AMP) - "32 Therefore, everyone who acknowledges Me before men and confesses Me [out of a state of oneness with Me], I will also acknowledge him before My Father Who is in heaven andconfess [that I am abiding in] him. 33 But whoever denies and disowns Me before men, I also will denyand disown him before My Father Who is in heaven."

 There are far worse consequences for shutting up than facing the wrath of man. Peter and John knew it and responded correctly.

What would you do?

Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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