Want to do something that is meaningful as we approach our celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus?
Openly follow Him. Tell people, as many as you can, with total abandon to the consequences.
And yes...there will be consequences.
It is a scandalous thing to openly declare and follow Jesus Christ. Even today.
Romans 9:33 (KJV) - "As it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stumblingstone and rock of offense: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed."
The translation for the word "offense" in this verse is the Greek word "skandalon". It will be scandalous, cause a scandal, when you follow Jesus.
But it also says that you will never be ashamed when you do.
Jesus is that "Rock of Offense".
1 Peter 2:8 (AMP) - "A Stone that will cause stumbling and a Rock that will give [men] offense; they stumble because they disobey and disbelieve [God's] Word."
People will either trip over Him or stand upon Him. They will see Him as the Door or a wall.
Love Him or hate Him, it doesn't change Who He is.
It's you who need to be changed.
Please don't insult Him by making 40 day resolutions or marking your bodies in false religious piety. These things are an affront to God. Do you honestly believe that by "giving up" some ridiculous passion like chocolate or cigarettes for a short period of time, all the while pining to return to them at the end of your 40 day "wandering", that it will impress God for some special favor? Why do some believers long to return to the very Law that Christ has freed them from?
Instead, how about using this season of reflection and celebration to introduce Jesus to as many people as you can?
Or is it easier to give up your Snickers bars? Is it easier to smear your forehead with dirt for a few hours?
Sure it is. That's what's wrong with it. Something about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Silly rabbit.
Telling people about Jesus costs something. It will open you up to scandal. It might embarrass you. It will make you nervous. It will cost you family and friends. It might make you a social pariah.
But it will also enlarge you and your territory. It will extend your circle of brotherhood.
Most of all it is the one and only thing that you can actually do that accomplishes one single eternal thing in all of your short little life on this planet.
It pleases God when you tell people about His Son. It causes a party in Heaven.
Well done sheeple. Wash the dirt off your face and praise God. Eat those Snickers but tell somebody about Jesus while you're doing it!
Hey...I know...but as always, I'm just...
...Keepin' it Real. Nobody goes to hell on my watch.
Pastor Kevin <><
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