Friday, March 18, 2011

"Quiet The Opposition With The Proof"

It's not hard to believe that there would be anyone who would argue against Divine Healing, Salvation, Deliverance, or any other grace filled action done in the name of Jesus Christ. Except when it comes from within the Body of Christ from other believers.

In any event, wherever the opposition comes from (and it will), be prapeared to offer the proof that cannot be argued against.

Acts 4:14 (AMP) - "And since they saw the man who had been cured standing there beside them, they could not contradict the fact or say anything in opposition."

Flabbergasting silence.  They COULD NOT do what opposers and naysayers normally say and do.

You can't argue against what is plainly standing before you.

This doesn't mean they will like you any better or support you. But it will at least get their attention. It might get a few over to the right side of things.

I can't imagine a church that doesn't operate in doing what Jesus and His disciples did. I just can't.

I can't fathom a person walking into my church and not at least having the opportunity to be changed and made whole. I remember the days when it wasn't like that, but when the Spirit of Christ gets a hold of you about that you are either going to yield to Him or be disobedient.

You cannot argue with results. You cannot throw your religion against a movement of God. It will sputter and fail.

Changed lives is the greatest form of evangelism there is. It was Jesus' preferred method.

Hallelujah, it is mine as well! Don't tell me my Jesus isn't real! Don't tell me healing and deliverance is not for today! I will SHOW you how it is real! I will PROVE to you it is real!

In these days leading up to Resurrection Sunday, what a great way to testify that Jesus is alive! Get someone saved, healed, or delivered. Bring them to a church where the Spirit is alive and moving. Get them somewhere where the proof is undeniable!

Jesus is alive! I can prove it! So should you!

Keepin' it Real,

Pastor Kevin <><

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